Corona Virus Testing UK > Business Solutions


Business Solutions

Testing can be provided directly with our laboratory or through our occupational health clinical partners. The solution is a comprehensive and tailor made ‘back to work’ screening solution for businesses of all sizes. That could be a one-off antibody screening session, a routine swab for active virus or any combination of both.

Screening could benefit all businesses. In particular interest is high in businesses and organisations where social distancing is difficult to maintain. These sectors include:

  • Airlines and aviation companies
  • Sporting organisations
  • Manufacturing organisations
  • Universities/Schools
  • Councils

Testing programmes coupled with the latest apps and software can help to reduce the risk of coronavirus transmission through the workplace. This helps protect employees and and provide business continuity.

Our clinical partners cover a large area and are able to come to your workplace and provide solutions. For small business and personal solutions, please visit our individual testing page.


What getting an antibody test can tell you & your business?

A positive antibody test will tell you whether you’ve previously had the virus that causes COVID-19 and that your body has produced an immune response. For those running a business or team this can be helpful when devising back to work plans and contributing to strategies that cope with staff and resourcing concerns.

  • These tests give organisations a way forward in terms of minimising unnecessary and precautious staff absence, i.e. self-isolation. This can lead to a higher active workforce, lower disruption and greater output.
  • Help beat Covid-19 together by preventing a second spike in workforce incidents through increased testing.
  • Help provide statistical analyses to build a better picture of the pandemic and help form a strategy for future pandemics with the aim of keep human and financial losses to a minimum.

In the meanwhile, this dual test is one of a kind, best in class IgG and IgM detection. Ig refers to immunoglobulin, M and G are different classes of antibodies that differ in function of immune response or during different stages of the body’s defence. They indicate whether people have had the virus, and so whether or not they could be immune. Tests are done by taking a blood sample and looking for the presence of these two different COVID-19 antibodies.

Antibody testing is seen as an important part of the Government’s approach to ending the lockdown and opening up the economy.

The role of PCR Screening in the back-to-work strategy?

The joint approach of using regular, low-cost, PCR Screening along with a programme of Antibody Testing can enable organisations to deploy a testing and back-to-work strategy using the latest, best in class detection available.

Our facility offers both PCR Screening and Antibody Testing, this dual approach can prove to be helpful across a range of situations, including:

  • Research Studies – Test a sample of staff to gauge infection levels or deploy studies to model trends
  • Policy – Use testing to help create and communicate further policies to help staff remain safe
  • Plans – Review options to consider how phased and rolling testing can be effectively deployed
  • Travel – For companies where travel overseas and driving are required test could inform
  • Shifts – Increasing numbers of shift workers in larger factories have produced startling results lately, test your team

Our clinical and occupational health partners can provide on-site access to our screening services. Contact us to be connected with your local partner. For smaller businesses wishing to implement a screening programme, test kits can be bought in our online shop.



COVID IgG/IgM Antibody Test

High accuracy, rapid turnaround, IgG and IgM antibody response detection


rRT-PCR Active Screening

One of the leading tests for detecting active coronavirus infection

Find your nearest Occupational Health Clinical Partner

Find your nearest occupational health clinical partner on the map below.
Clinical partners cover large areas and are able to come to your workplace and provide solutions.
For small business and personal solutions, please visit our individual testing page.